A Portrait of Prince Edward County in Retirement
The population of Prince Edward County is growing older and growing fewer, reflecting the popularity of the County as a retirement community.
From 2006 to 2011, the County�s population dropped to 25,260, from 25,495.
According to the 2011 census, the number of older residents is up, the number of younger residents is down. Overall, the total population declined by .9 per cent while the Canadian national total went up 5.6 per cent in the five years since the 2006 census. Closer by, Belleville grew by 1.3 per cent, Loyalist Township by 7.7 per cent and Quinte West, 0.9 per cent.
In 2011, the percentage of the population aged 65 and over in Prince Edward County was 25.2, compared with a national percentage of 14.8. The median age in the County is 51.6, compared to 40.6 for Canada and 40.4 for Ontario.
The percentage of the working age population (15 to 64) was 62.6 and the percentage of children aged 0 to 14 was 12.2. In comparison, the national percentages were 68.5 for the population aged15 to 64 and 16.7 for the population aged 0 to 14.
The largest PEC age groups were these: 50-54, 2,235; 55-59, 2.230; 60-64, 2,470; 65-69, 2,025. The number of people over 85 in the County? 700.
While the County grows in popularity among retirees, it isn�t so much for younger families. The 65+ age range increased by 15.1 per cent since the previous census in 2006, but the age range 0-14 showed a decrease of 16.5 per cent.
The number of private dwellings grew by 2.2 per cent to 10,549 permanent residences. For Canada as a whole, the number of private dwellings increased by 7.1 per cent.